We are passionate about helping you to move forward

Who we are

Oficinas de Lesmarc

As professionals of the world of logistics with over 20 years’ experience, we decided to offer the market our approach and knowledge in this highly strategic field.

Lesmarc’s objective is to help other organisations to advance and to help to achieve the results defined so as to maintain or improve our clients’ positioning on the market.

In this sense we act as a Strategic Partner, not only carrying out the duties of our competence but also advising our clients on how to improve the logistic processes of their businesses.

According to the specialized magazine “Transporte XXI”, in its WHITE BOOK edition of logistics operators in Spain 2013, LESMARC, Distribuciones S.L. rates among the 20 most solvent companies within the sector after analysing 6 financial ratios which measure Profitability, Margin, Liquidity, debt and cost per employee.